Tomahawk Presbyterian Church
Community Outreach
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, we have live streamed worship services on FaceBook in the group Tomahawk Presbyterian Church Live Worship. We invite you to join us online or better yet in person at 9:00 A.M. Sunday mornings. All are welcome.
We routinely collect donations for the Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission. Other special programs and offerings to provide donations and support for Hedgesville Loaves and Fishes food bank hosted by the Hedgesville United Methodist Church (CCAP) or the Shenandoah Women’s Center now called the Empowerment Center.
We support the Hedgesville
food bank distributions monthly
We support the 4-cents-a-meal
hunger program monthly to provide food to those who need it most
locally and globally.
We work with other local church members and community volunteers to provide regular maintenance of the community cemetery surrounding this historic church. We are always seeking short term or long term volunteers. Contact us.
Support worldwide missionaries though a program we coined called "Pocket Change for Mission" and through other offerings.
Please allow us to pray for you.
See other Future Events
A fellowship lunch every third Sunday at 12:30. The lunches are free and open to the public. You are welcome to bring a covered food item or something for the Martinsburg Rescue Mission or Loaves and Fishes food bank. Come as you are and enjoy good food and fellowship with your neighbors in the community! You will find friends and purpose here!
We invite you to work with us in our mission to serve and glorify Jesus Christ. Come and see!